A former Goldman Sachs employee who launched a startup shares her favorite interview question

We have all been in interview situations where we feel a little bit uncomfortable, whether it be on the interviewer or interviewee side. Both parties are trying to decide if it is the right fit.

Previously, in my roles as a finance superstar, I took the stance that a candidate’s resume spoke for itself as far as his or her skill set. After all, how could so-and-so have worked at Company XYZ for that long unless they knew what they were doing? I approached those interviews with the sole purpose of making sure that I would click with this person. My interview style was more of a conversation to answer this burning question: “Is this someone that I would want to sit next to on an airplane for a cross country flight?”

My current position as an executive recruiter requires much more tact and specific questions targeted to the industry, their previous positions, and what they are looking to do. I really try to understand what is important to each person I speak with and what motivates them. The interview question that Becca Brown suggests in the article below is one that I will definitely add to my interview question repertoire.

What is your favorite interview question? I Would you want to sit next to this person on an airplane for a cross country flight?

Originally published in Business Insider by Jacquelyn Smith on September 3, 2015

Read the full article here: A former Goldman Sachs employee who launched a startup shares her favorite interview question