How to Avoid Comparison in the Workplace

Folks, you’ve probably heard the old saying by Teddy Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. But you should know that comparison is the thief of more than just joy—it can seriously take away from your career, too. 

Even if you can’t tell by looking at them, most people struggle with comparison—and to be honest, I’ve struggled with it myself. I didn’t land a national radio show until I was 42 years old. That means I spent a lot of time watching other people around me succeed, wondering if I’d missed my chance. Wondering if I was really good enough.

But fortunately for me (and any of you who struggle with comparison too), there’s a healthy way to stop comparing yourself to the people around you and advance in your career with way less stress and anxiety. It all starts with identifying your comparison traps.

What’s a Comparison Trap?

Comparison is a lot like quicksand—the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

You (probably) won’t come across quicksand at your workplace today, but I bet you will come across a comparison trap. Let’s go over some of the most common comparison traps people fall into, so we can avoid them at all costs!

For more details, check out the article here.