How to Begin Your CRE Job Search in this New Environment

With workers laid off in a myriad of industries, including commercial real estate, it must be incredibly difficult to begin a CRE job search now, right? There’s so much uncertainty in the markets and so many others competing for the same jobs. Where do you start? How can you strategically launch your job search during these tricky times?

Begin Your CRE Job Search Right

These are scary times. And it’s important not to jump into this half-baked. Maybe you were a happy analyst whose furlough never ended or a property manager looking for new opportunities. What was your state of mind before the pandemic news came? Were you looking to change career tracks or seek advancement in your current path?

This is the perfect time to get in touch with who you are and reflect on your future. Things have changed, and maybe you have, too. Don’t rush into this. Begin your CRE job search right by asking a few questions like:

  • Will my position still be in demand in this new environment?
  • Am I good at what I do and where can I bring the most value?
  • Do I enjoy this role? What am I passionate about?
  • What new opportunities have current events created?

Develop Your Brand

Once you’ve decided whether to stay in your current career field or go after a different side of the commercial real estate industry, it’s time to brand yourself. In a competitive market, getting hired at your dream firm doesn’t happen by accident. You must stand out from the crowd.

If you’re serious about developing a high-impact brand for yourself in this new job search, here are a few steps with which to start:

  • · Learn the key mission of each target employer
  • · Identify which of your skills best match that mission
  • · Craft a targeted branding statement that highlights this match

Learn New Skills

One of the best things to do when you begin your CRE job search is improving your skill set. The difference maker between you and the many other candidates is often the skills and certifications you have on your resume. Be sure not to underestimate the power of soft skills such as communication, leadership, and problem-solving.

Can you take a few classes right now in your down time? Can you update any outdated certifications? Perhaps take on larger roles in volunteer organizations? Closely follow the requirements in your target roles, and align your current strengths with those parameters.

Work with a Recruiter

If you are targeting a successful CRE company, chances are that firm already knows the importance of partnering with a search firm. They’ll likely prioritize candidates who have already been pre-screened by their search partner and interview those people first. Or in many cases, they will work on retainer, in which case, the recruiter is the gatekeeper.

Here at Building Careers, we actively nurture our relationships with numerous CRE professionals and leading CRE companies. We’ve been matching the right candidate to the right role for years. If you’re a good fit for the job you want, we will be a powerful advocate on your behalf. And if the fit just isn’t right, chances are, we’ll know of the best alternatives.

If you are one of the thousands of CRE professionals laid off or furloughed during the current crisis, don’t be nervous. You can begin your CRE job search right and stand out from the crowd. Let us know if we can help!