4 Ways to Overcome the First-Day Jitters

Being the “new kid in class” is always a little nerve-wracking, whether you’re 13 or 45. Many people dread the first few days of a new job because everything, from the people and the environment to the position and the daily routine, is unfamiliar, and it can take a few weeks before feeling “settled.”

But skilled newbies now how to quickly ingratiate themselves with their new colleagues and establish themselves as a great addition to the team in a matter of days. Here are some tips to overcome the first day jitters and making those first few days more enjoyable and less stressful. While also making a good first impression with your new coworkers:


Part of the stress that comes with starting a new job is 100% avoidable if you prepare ahead of time. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep, have everything ready that you’ll need for the morning including your clothes, plan to wake up earlier than normal to account for traffic or the unexpected, eat a good breakfast… these common sense preparations will allow you to focus only on the job and getting to know your new colleagues.

Ask Questions

Whether you’re looking for the copy room or having trouble accessing your email, don’t let the “newness” of everything throw you off. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Everyone was new once and knows what it’s like to feel a little lost on that first day

Take Notes

Your first few days at any new job are a real learning curve, and you’ll be taking in a lot of new information, from the mundane to the really important. Take notes so you don’t forget anything, and you can reference them when you have a question that comes up a few weeks or months down the line.

Be Friendly

First impressions matter when starting a new job, and you want to build positive, collaborative relationships from the beginning. In other words, don’t be shy about approaching people you don’t know; don’t wait for them to come to you. Introduce yourself, ask what department they’re in, what their position is, or where they’re from. They’ll appreciate your interest and the friendly gesture, which can go a long way to establishing trust and a good rapport (both key things you need to have a good working relationship).

Read More: https://www.biospace.com/article/starting-a-new-job-how-to-overcome-the-first-day-jitters-/