Does This Job Spark Joy?

Does this job spark joy?”

Now that the harsh San Diego winter is behind us, you might be thinking about starting your annual spring cleaning – getting rid of items in your home (or office) that you no longer need, asking yourself if it sparks joy. Made popular by author/cleaning guru Marie Kondo, this simple question can be applied to more than just old clothes and kitchen appliances.

In the spirit of new seasons and adventures, it might be time for you to ask yourself if you’re still happy at your current job, or if it’s time to start your own company. If so, you’re in the right place. Besides being home to some of the world’s coolest mission-driven companies, San Diego is also the perfect place to build a startup.” Well put by San Diego Regional EDC as they perfectly illustrate how San Diegans live, work, and play. #SDlifechanging