The real estate industry tends to slow down in the summer. Understandably, this can be unsettling if you are eagerly looking for a new job or trying to fill a much-needed open position in your company. However, I believe this period can be a good thing for some companies/teams and here’s why.

During this time, we take that well-deserved vacation, which opens us up to new experiences and therefore new ideas and ways of thinking. We spend long summer evenings BBQ’ing with family and friends and these shared moments remind us of what’s important and help us keep healthy perspective. Being tourists in our own towns reconnects us with our communities and the importance of home. In turn, we bring these insights to work where, combined with the slower pace, we can more effectively catch up on email, prioritize projects, nurture office relationships and set goals for the remainder of the year.
As many of you know, I took some time off when my husband and I welcomed our first child – a sweet baby girl – into the world in April. Since then, our lives have been turned upside down in the best way possible, and I know many of you can relate!
Becoming a mom has been an extraordinary experience for me, and I will forever be grateful for these last few weeks I have spent focused on my family. I, too, have had moments when I would think (worry) about work and how my clients and job candidates – many of you! – were doing. I’d call in and my two rockstar teammates, Julia and Regan, would kindly fill me in, let me know they (of course) had everything under control and send me back to where I was supposed to be.
One look at my daughter and I returned to the present and the precious time I was having getting to know her and motherhood. I told myself that before I knew it I would be back at work and required to hit the ground running. And that day has now come! This week, I return to work a little sleep deprived but with a renewed sense of purpose and inspired like never before.
I truly hope you have the opportunity to take time out to spend these warm summer days doing what you love and finding inspiration in all that you do. In the fall, the real estate industry tends to kick into high gear once again. Since 2009, the end of each year has historically seen the highest sales volume of $2.5M+ real estate assets*. So far, this year seems to be on par with the trend, so I have no doubt it will be an exciting and productive end to the year. I look forward to catching up with many of you in the weeks ahead in preparation.
In the meantime, Happy Summer!
Feel free to reach out to me at!

* Statistic according to the National Association of Realtors’ Commercial Real Estate Outlook: 2017 Q1