Tell Us About Your “Dream Job” For The Chance To Receive…

This month, we decided to try something different for a bit of fun. We invite you to tell us what your “Dream Job” is for the chance to win access to one commercial real estate industry event of the winner’s choosing every month in Q2 2017 compliments of the Building Careers Team. This can include any of the impressive local and national events and conferences put on by industry organizations such as NAIOP, CREW, ULI, Bisnow, ICSC, SIOR, BOMA, IREM, RealShare, Connect, etc. Your chosen events are amazing opportunities to network, hear from industry experts/speakers, and invest in your career.

What is your Dream Job?

There are two steps to the process.

The first step is to write one or two brief paragraphs about your dream job. It could be the job you dreamed of as a child or the job in the profession or field you studied in college that has been eluding you ever since. It could even be related to the skills you are currently applying to a hobby but you know could also be used to earn a living. How you write your description is entirely up to you. Here are some ideas for what you could include for details: Job responsibilities, title/level of position, area of real estate expertise, salary, skills, location/city, team culture and environment. Please remember to include your contact information!

The second step is to email us your “Dream Job” description by March 31, 2017. Every job description will be entered into the drawing and on March 31, 2017 we will randomly select one entry from the group of submissions. That professional will be contacted and we will arrange for them to attend their chosen events. For everyone else, we will contact you to discuss career opportunities unless you indicated you are not interested in a conversation.

We hope you’ll participate whether you’re actively searching for a new job or not. This exercise gives you the chance to think about and “put in writing” your dream job, which brings you that much closer to achieving it. It also gives us the chance to get to know you and help many of you turn your dream job into reality.