11 Tips to Negotiate Like a Pro

At the Table Negotiating l Business Meeting

1. Negotiate

2. Know what you can base the negotiations on

3. Do some digging for information on previous contracts

4. Back up our claims

5. Write your arguments down on paper

6. Ask questions to clarify

7. Know who you’re at the table with

8. Check your inhibitions at the door

9. Always be nice

10. Know your worth

11. Set the precedence of what you can do for them

This article is a nice checklist to follow as you are considering taking a new position. As a recruiter, I am frequently faced with negotiation situations between companies and candidates. I have a leg up because I hire for a plethora of companies with target salary ranges, and I also have current and target compensation discussions with candidates daily. Knowledge is power, and having the data points and research to back up your claims goes a long way. I would highly encourage any employee to negotiate or at least discuss every point on the employment contract with the employer because you are able to learn more about their expectations what the position entails.

See the full article here: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/250786

Originally published on Entrepreneur.com on September 22, 2015 by Sarah Landrum