5 More Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn for CRE

If you want to optimize LinkedIn for CRE jobs and trick out your profile to have the best chance for getting hired, then stay tuned. The five tips we discuss below are sure to get the attention of hiring managers and immediately impress upon them your worth within your target field.

This is Part 2 of a series on LinkedIn optimizations, so be sure to check out Part 1 here.

We’ve already seen how important it is to:

  • Optimize your headshot
  • Craft an attention-getting headline
  • Write the perfect summary
  • Network within the LinkedIn community
  • Categorize your profile properly
  • List out all your qualifications
  • And choose the right keywords to be found

But now, we’re going to go a bit deeper and discover even more ways to optimize LinkedIn for CRE jobs that are waiting for someone just like you.

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in and learn how to make your LinkedIn profile shine!

1. Architect Your Profile

Obviously, your profile will be read from the top down. Hiring managers will start at the top, skimming more and reading less as they work their way to the bottom. You probably already thought of that, right?

But what you likely did NOT know is that the LinkedIn algorithm also reads from top to bottom! This means it’s doubly important to architect your profile with this in mind. So, map your content! Frontload the most important keywords to the top as much as possible.

When it comes to education, skills, and certifications, remember, the higher the better. You should always list your most important and relevant items at the top of their respective sections. Not only are hiring managers more likely to notice and actually read them, but LinkedIn will place more emphasis on them in search.

2. Personalize

Yes, you’re already personalizing your profile by putting in your education and work history, right?

But personalization can go even deeper on LinkedIn. Stand out by paying attention to a few little details that really add up:

  • Don’t just let LinkedIn pick the URL for your profile. Make your name more easily searchable by putting it directly into the URL. For example: www.linkedin.com/in/carlyglova
  • Include your birthday. No, you don’t have to give away your age by including the year. But at least select the month and day.
  • Don’t forget to add your interests and hobbies. This makes you more personable and likeable.

3. Post Smart

There’s more to optimizing your LinkedIn than just your profile. Posting is also a great way to be discovered, too. But you’ve got to understand the LinkedIn algorithm to do it right.

Don’t just share a link, add some commentary that gets some engagement. Use hashtags when relevant, and it’ll get in front of more people.

Share text-based or image-based posts more than link-based. If you want that CRE hiring manager to notice your profile faster, get her commenting on your quality graphic of Q3’s numbers or your clever insight on where multi-family could be headed next year.

Know when to share. It makes sense to share when there are eyes to see it. And those times are usually late morning, mid-afternoon, and early evening. This is true in CRE and just about every industry. And post frequently, but not too often. About once per work day is a good rule of thumb.

Be social. Like people’s comments, reply, and mention companies and connections.

4. Don’t Forget Contact Info!

It goes without saying that the most important part of your efforts to optimize LinkedIn for CRE job opportunities is getting contacted.

But don’t rely on just LinkedIn messages. You might not see them in time. And there are many people who just don’t use them, especially if they’re not already connected to you. Understand how hiring managers and recruiters work – they would much rather call you. So don’t be shy! Include your work number, your cell number, and your email address.

5. Beef Up Work History

Last, but not least, let’s dive deeper into your work history. If you want to truly optimize your LinkedIn profile to be found and land the interview, it’s not enough just to list your former titles and company names.

  • Include verbiage from company websites for each company you’ve worked with.
  • Write out a thorough description of each role you’ve held.
  • Upload media such as videos, blog links, slides, and photos to demonstrate your work product and show more about the companies you’ve been a part of.

The more you tell the story of your career and unique value proposition in CRE, the more likely your LinkedIn profile will find its way into the right hands. Follow each of these strategic steps to fully optimize your LinkedIn and land the CRE job you want.
